Pattern to make the Hello Gorgeous! drawstring dilly bag. Finished size is 14" x 10" x 10".
Category: The Birdhouse
12.5" CROSS HAIR SQUARE - 6 POINT..Ruler, 3 (120°), 6 (60°), 12 (30°), or 24 (15°) reference lines (CHR-6-12.5)
BOMSS&L-3, Block of the month, Block 3 of 6, Sunshine & Lollipops, by Anni Downs (including linen,fabrics, Cosmo and Homespun Magazine)
BOMSS&L-5, Block of the month, Block 5 of 6, Sunshine & Lollipops, by Anni Downs (including linen,fabrics, Cosmo and Homespun Magazine)
H&P-BOMADIH-1/12, A Day in Happyland BOM part 1 including Pattern, Linen, DMC embroidery Threads, woolpack
MFC2-LS, Mini Fill, Mini Clamshells, 4 different Mini Clamshells in 1 tool, Low Shank, Westalee SALE!!!
PBA295, Switchback pattern by ByAnnie,The bag measures 11"H x 11"W x 3½" D at top, 11"H x 11"W x 4½"D at bottom.
S&L-Cosmo-Kit, 10 skeins of Cosmo Embroidery Thread for Sunshine & Lollipops BOM2024by Anni Downs
S&L-Fabric-Kit, 28 fatquarters (50 x 54 cm) for Sunshine & Lollipops BOM2024 by Anni Downs
THQFROSTY-BOM5, Frosty Goes to Town, BOM-5, including fabric, pattern by The Quilt Company